Make it easy for customers to reach you

Customers like to receive support on their own terms. Make it a convenient and hassle-free experience for them, every time.

Reduce first response times and boost conversations

Customers have very high expectations for reply time. With quick replies producing an immediate response, customers anticipate a follow up as soon as they need help

  • Respond quickly with quick replies

    Create welcoming and closing messages, answers to commonly asked questions, once, to save time

  • Assignments

    By assigning conversations to specific team members, it is always clear who is responsible for what

Make it easy for the team to collaborate with private notes

Share internal notes about a customer between agents, keeping the chronology and context intact

  • Private commments

    Collaborate behind the scenes with comments that only you and your team can see.

  • Resolve conversations faster

    Private notes are useful when you need to consult your colleagues on how to respond to a message

Assigned to me
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Resolved by me
All Resolved
Lily Kudoo
Alana Wickanoso
Rose Bush
Vivian Havana
Alana Wickanoso
Alana Wickanoso
+234 810 1234 5678
Customer details
Credit cardYes
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This customer is complaining of delivery. please assist with estimated arrival time and other info they need
Available channels
This customer is complaining of delivery. please assist with estimated arrival time and other info they need
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Engage your customers whereever they are

Customers are very comfortable communicating with businesses over messaging apps and are more likely to be loyal to brands who are easily accessible

  • Better self-service

    Provide customers with quick response to straight-forward issues

  • Let customers dictate the pace

    Let your customers dictate the channel, time and pace of support conversations

Ready to streamline your communication?

Request a product demo with one of our product experts